Download fable 3 playstation
Download fable 3 playstation

If anyone proves me wrong with that please post it. Also with using the xlive disabler you can no longer access the dlc from the bundle version. There is also a save editor on there but that requires the xlive disabler. The link to it is it is downloadable off of this site. It also says it works witht the cd version. I have tested it on the steam version and it works. I did it on and it worked.ĮDIT: i also found a way to play the game without g4wl. these methods helped me and worked for me. hope this helps anyone because if co-op works i would like to play with some people.

download fable 3 playstation

I dont know wether online co-op works still in this game due to g4wl is still restricting for example in the co-op room of the sanctuary you can no longer buy and download the extra dlc from in there such as the free weapons. once you unlock the dlc exit the game completely and re enter and it should be available.

download fable 3 playstation

you have to do that in steam for unlocking a product on steam like i said and then you also have to do it ingame that way for it to be available. then click on redeem code and then enter the code for the dlc you got from amazon. you have to unlock the dlc in game in the sanctuary and click on the gear on the wall that you use to save the game click on windows live on the pause that comes up then click on your profile square on the far end left of the windows live menu.

download fable 3 playstation

it can be buggy a bit i suggest as i read on here somewhere to uninstall the g4wl that comes with the game and reinstall it from online from that method helps unlocking the dlc in the game right so it works if you have a problem with it. have to be logged into a windows live acccount like an xbox 360 or xbox one account you can create one without a console on a microsoft site think this is the link you will have to still use the g4wl that comes with it. select activate a product on steam and go through the menus that pop up and then enter the codes you got on amazon when it asks for a code in those popups. then go to your steam app and click in the corner where it says add game. then in your amazon games library (there may be a link to it in your purchase details) there will be codes for your fable 3 games etc. Go to for the fable 3 bundle for fable 3 and dlc as well as fable the lost chapters or go to for just fable 3.

Download fable 3 playstation